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Neco 2018 English Language OBJ & Theory/Essay QUESTION AND ANSWERS Expo



1) A cousin of your in SS2 is discovered to be pregnant and her father has threatened to send her out of the house. Write a letter go pacify the father and suggests what you think can be done to salvage the situation.
2) Write an article suitable for publication in a national daily on the plight of the internally displace person (IDP) in Nigeria suggest how to rehabilitate them

3) The literary and debating society of your school is organising a debate on the topic pen robbery is worse than armed robbery write your argument for or against the motion

4) Write a story that perfectly illustrates the saying: To err is human to forgive is Divine

the brother who has squandered his inheritance was being given red-carpet treatment upon his return, while he, who had toiled faithfully for his father had nothing to show for it.
The world needs more leaders with the mentality of the boy’s father. He knew that his son had done wrong but hoped that the boy would return one day.

He prepared for his return. There was a fattened calf and a robe waiting. The boy must have been stinking like a pig from his close association with the animals; that did not matter to his father.
Instead of asking him to account for the wealth he had entrusted, the father welcomed him home.

On his part, the boy knew that he had done wrong. Long before he started the journey home, he thought of the apology he would give to his father for all the things he had done wrongly. He was also prepared to make amends.

The boy also expected to be placed in a lower position than he had been in. One of the lessons here is that of taking personal responsibility for our actions. Most people will look for excuses for their mistakes. It is crucial to carry out an honest self-evaluation and decide what went wrong and how you will make amends for it.
Then there is the other brother who had worked for his father without having been given anything for his work. Don’t we have such people in organisations? They are people who wonder when they will be recognised for their work.

The father said wisely that everything that was in the farm belonged to the boy. All of us should work with the mentality of an owner, and not of a worker.
Organisations are about people, and people are known to make mistakes. Some people are entrusted with huge responsibilities, and when they make a mistake, there are several people waiting to bring them down. I challenge you to look for the best in others, to anticipate that they will turn out alright and to rejoice when people try to make amends for the wrongs they have done.
After all, to err is human: to forgive is divine


The first category of woman are coping with ease while the second category are coping with difficulty

The fourth category were sub merged by problems

They were suffering from depression

A woman is expected to run her home and be a good wife

She is expected to contribute to family income

A woman is expected to perform in a Society where she is regarded as inferior to her make counterpart

GN : Adverbial Claus of time
GF : it modifies the verb exhibit

Ameliorate of adverse effect

Every family members should assist doing house chores
Woman should relax once in a year .

i ) various - --
ii) categories classes/ levels
iii ) submerged - -- saddled
iv ) efficiency - - -- effectively
v) aouse -- - debilitating
vi ) vigour - -- strength

(i) The teachers in primary and secondary schools lack a wider education training.
(ii) The use of vernacular as a communication language in teaching of other subjects in the school.

(i) It is used as the only official language.
(ii) It is the language used in teaching and communication in schools.

(i) Nigerian government should collaborate with English countries to come and organize intensive English Language training programmes for teachers.
(ii) Examination bodies should be strict on proficiency in the use of English language even in other subjects

Created at 2018-06-07 04:27:46 By GuruzLord]
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